Today, as the air grows cooler around me, I'm grateful for the changing seasons. I've never been a big fan of summer because I burn too easily in the sun, and the heat drains me. So each year, I look forward to the first leaf falling from the tree next to my house, signalling the beginning of fall. I know then that I have three seasons to enjoy before summer rolls around again. And I take advantage of the beautiful weather as much as I possibly can!
Today, I'm grateful for prayer. I'm grateful that I can reach out to a caring, loving God and know He's there, that He's listening. Knowing that he's only a word away means the world to me. Whether it's a quick chat or a long conversation, I can talk to Him anytime, day or night.
The power of prayer has been proven to me, and I can't imagine my life without this amazing opportunity to come boldly to the throne of grace! Music has the ability to change your mood in an instant. It can foster joy, but it can also help to ease the pain of a heartache. Sometimes, you need to cry and can't. Music can help. At other times, when you're feeling low, you need something to lift your spirits. Music can do that, too. There have been plenty of times in my life when I closed the door, turned off the lights, and immersed myself in music. So today, I'm grateful for music.
Today, I'm grateful for kindness. I was at a restaurant and saw so many exchanges of kindness that it made me smile and made my heart a little lighter. It wasn't just the waitresses being nice to the customers. It was customers complimenting customers, employees helping one another, and customers sharing stories and jokes with the wait staff.
There is evil in this world, but there is still so much good. Try looking for it when you're out and about. Let's shine a light on kindness and bring it to the forefront. The trailer pulled me in the first time I saw it. I couldn't wait to see this movie...until I did.
I've been blogging for many years, but it used to be a sporadic thing. I'd blog one month and skip the next. When going through my blog roll today, I realized that as of December 2018, I will have blogged every month since December 2014. Some months, I may have only written one post, but, much like my goal to write every day, I kept up my blog every month. And I realize now how important it is.
Even though there aren't a lot of comments, my blog is the most read part of my website. Visitors continue to read through my older posts, even some dating back to early 2014. My blog is the reason my website has so many visitors which tells me I need to be even more active. So I'm going to shoot for blogging no less than twice a month for the next six months and see how I do. If I can blog more, I will, but I definitely want to keep things rolling here since I've almost reached the four year mark! Thanks for reading my blog! I hope you'll continue to stop by. |
AuthorMy thoughts, experiences, challenges, and goals. Right here. At least once a week or so. Oh, and opinions, too. Those will definitely come in. Join me! Archives
January 2025