I don't claim to be an expert, but after writing for well over twenty years, I've discovered a few things that I wish someone had told me when I decided I wanted to be a writer. Hopefully, some of these can help you.
Most everyone knows about This Day in History, but did you know there’s a this day in just about every subject you can imagine? Take a look!
http://www.todayinliterature.com http://www.todayinsci.com (Science) http://www.thisdayinmusic.com http://www.todayinsport.com http://armedrobbery.blogspot.com (for this day in crime history) http://www.historyorb.com/entertainment (for, you guessed it, all things entertainment!) http://www.thepeoplehistory.com (Here you can find the cost of living in different years as well as clothes, fashion, and more!) You can’t beat these sites for reference and research, especially if you’re writing historical novels. Make sure you keep your facts straight with these easy links! I've seen so many posts on Twitter recently calling for the assassination of Donald Trump, and I'm shocked and more than a little disheartened. Regardless of whether or not you support this presidential candidate, when did it become okay to encourage others to kill someone?
What happened to us as a nation? Once upon a time, we accepted the winner of the nomination and focused on the election. That is so far gone now it's only a vague memory. Over the years, I've seen people talk about rioting if Barack Obama didn't win his second term as well as people threatening to kill him when he was running for election. Now add in the current threats to Donald Trump, and I can honestly say I don't know what is wrong with this world. Threatening to kill someone because you don't like their politics is barbaric. So someone you don't like might get elected to be the next president of the United States. Does that mean you turn to violence? No. You keep fighting for what you believe in. You vote to get the senators you trust into office. You make your voice heard in peaceful ways because that's what decent human beings do. They do not threaten to take the life of someone whose political leanings do not align with theirs. Let's face it, folks. We all have different political beliefs, and while some politicians are so far away from what we believe we shake our heads in abject dismay, that is not a reason to advocate for the taking of a human life.
I'm working on Chapter Six of this story now, but I'd love to hear what you think about the first chapter. You can read it right here, or you can head on over to Wattpad. Please read it, rate it, and review it. Your feedback really does help!
And since I love talking about the shows I'm currently addicted to, I signed up with MoviePilot.com. I didn't want to inundate all of my readers here who come to read about everything but television so I separated my two loves. At MoviePilot, I talk about Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, the actors who play the characters, and I'm sure more programs will come into play.
As I mentioned in a previous post, my dream job is to write for television. To do that, I need more experience and exposure. Just another reason why I'm branching out. You'll still find me here, of course, especially since Two Truths and a Lie starts on June 7th, but I'll only talk TV occasionally here. If you do want to follow me on MoviePilot.com, you are more than welcome. Just click on the image above. Hope to see you there! I've seen a lot of celebrities use two truths and a lie when fans are asking for spoilers about an upcoming episode of their favorite show, and I really like the idea. So I'm snagging it for my blog! Every Tuesday, I will list two truths and a lie. Your mission is to choose the lie. The first person who chooses correctly, based upon the time stamp of the comment section wins that week's prize. I'll be getting other authors involved in this as well so there will be plenty to win!
In case you're wondering what kind of lies and truths to expect, it will include facts and falsehoods about my life, my books, my social media interaction, and so much more! I may even include some of your favorite television shows as well, including Scandal, Dancing with the Stars, Supernatural, Blue Bloods, and more! So what kind of prizes can you win? How about keychains, jewelry, books, stuffed animals and toys for your kids, artwork, gift cards, purses, and so much more! And in case you're wondering when this will be getting started, it'll be Tuesday, June 7th, just in time to kick off the summer! Here's hoping you can tell a lie from the truth! |
AuthorMy thoughts, experiences, challenges, and goals. Right here. At least once a week or so. Oh, and opinions, too. Those will definitely come in. Join me! Archives
January 2025